The lives of Eliza Bahneman and her husband were permanently transformed on October 25, 2018, when tiny Bella was born. Bella startled her parents by coming home a few weeks early. She also surprised them by arriving as one of the most precious je…
Jordan Marks, a local high school baseball coach heard about the 94-year-old’s death and asked his students to help give him a well-deserved goodbye. In Louisiana, a group of high school students is being celebrated for providing a respectful fa…
Apple Pie That Melts in Your Mouth! Everyone’s been asking for the recipe, so here it is! This apple pie is super easy and tastes amazing. Ingredients: 2 apples (one cut into small cubes, the other into thin slices) 1 tablespoon sugar 2 eggs A pinch o…
The Harry Potter community is mourning. Renowned actor Michael Gambon, famous for his role as headmaster Albus Dumbledore in the Harry Potter film series, has passed away at the age of 82. On Thursday, his wife Lady Gambon and son Fergus Gambon…
Because of his performance in the film “Back to the Future,” Michael J. Fox is well-known. Many people are unaware that he was only 29 years old when he received the Parkinson’s disease diagnosis. He now has issues with his short-term memory due …
INGREDIENTS : 2-4 petite steaks *see note salt and pepper to taste garlic powder to taste 1 tablespoon olive oil 2-4 pounds baby potatoes, diced 2-6 tablespoons salted butter, soft enough to mash with a fork one tablespoon per steak, plus two tables…
Pro wrestler Sid Vicious, a star at the height of the WrestleMania era of the early 1990s whose career ended with a horrific (and televised) leg injury, has died after battling cancer for several years. He was 63. His death was announced …